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One Art 2023

Ting Ting Art Space will make a grand appearance at “ONE ART Taipei 2023 Art Taipei” at the beginning of 2023. This year, One Art Taipei will be exhibited at “JR East Hotel Taipei” from 1/13 (Fri) to 15 (Sun). Ting Ting Art Space is the first and only gallery in the “Presidential Suite” exhibition room, and it also bears the brunt of bringing 12 artists from Europe to exhibit together. This time Ting Ting Art Space also upholds the spirit of promoting the internationalization of art at home and abroad and looks forward to bringing you an art feast that can be enjoyed by many parties.

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One Offs 2022

The world’s first virtual-real integration, combining physical art works and blockchain NFT as the main axis of OneOffs NFT International Art Fair! The exhibition closely follows the core of NFT, and uses subversive technological art and structure to create artworks that are different from previous “definitions” by artists and their works.

Ting Ting Art Space strictly selects potential emerging artists, presents complete curatorial plans and artistic creation concepts in multiple ways, and creates a unique experience of hotel expos!