Miguel Angel Funez
Miguel Angel Funez has a degree in Fine Arts and holds a Master’s degree in Art and Creative Studies with distinction from the Universidad Completeness de Madrid. From an early age, he knew that happiness was closely related to art. He has always been interested in the subject of art: everything related to artists and museums has attracted him. The excitement and shock he felt when he first visited the Prado Museum in Madrid as a child is still unforgettable. Every day, he kept drawing, trying to surpass himself.
The various iconographic appropriations and subsequent manipulations based on popular images are the starting point, showing a sample of a diverse reality while being seduced by fiction. A story that not only considers the object of the miracle, but is also subject to admiration and surprise, including instinctive repulsion and disgust. The paintings that make up this series show the contemporary “horror vacuum”, including everything that cannot exist at the time, that exists and that does not exist, that frightens us and seduces us, that belongs to us and delights us, that prompts us to imagine other worlds different from our own.

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