
2023, 12/09 - 2023, 01/31
Hamburger, 2022, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 50 x 50 cm
Barbie, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm
Koons Dog, 2023, Symbiosis,print onPlexiglas,gold leaf andlego, 70 x 100 cm
M&M, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm
Lays, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm
Fake, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 21 x 56 x 21 cm
Instigate, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 25 x 43 x 25 cm
Opportunity, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 26 x 30 x 26 cm
A Birthday Party, 2022, Acrylics on canvas, 114x195 cm
More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 3, 2021, Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 73 cm
More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 4, 2021, Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 73 cm
More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 1, 2021, Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 73 cm
Nobody knows who started the fight, 2019, Acrylics on canvas, 60 x 90 cm
Journeys, 2019, Oil on cardboard, 45x65 cm
Instigate, 2019, Oil on cardboard, 50x35 cm
Antinoo Cap itolino, 2022, tulle cut handmade, 50 x 50 cm
Venere landolina – vista 091084, 2022, tulle cut handmade, 50 x 50 cm
Afrodite Anadyomene – vista 021100 , 2022, mesh cut handmade, 160 x 80 cm
Torso di Apollo, 2021, mesh cut handmade, 120 x 160 cm
Capitolium, 2021, mesh cut handmade, 125 x 85 cm
Venus - vista 041089, 2022, mesh cut handmade, 95 x 95 cm


丁丁藝術空間將於年末舉辦四位義大利藝術家的聯展,藝術家 Cane、Antonio Cugnetto、Giorgio Tentolini、Luigi Franchi的作品將分兩區塊展出。第一層以Cane及Luigi的作品為主,充滿超現實色彩的狂想。二樓則是展示Antonio Cugnetto、Giorgio Tentolini的作品,展現古典、日常與現代性的碰撞。

Luigi Franchi

Zino,藝名Luigi Franchi,1973年出生於義大利。季諾的作品以圖像失真來研究大眾媒體圖標在該圖像中建立了意義轉換,使物體和人在通過網或電視過濾時,圖像「像素化」創造新的和不同的意義。這些圖像被精確地複制在紙上,但通過使用樂高積木對其表面的一部分進行了修改,以某種計算機化的放大,造成對物體理解的干擾,但這並不妨礙其正確閱讀,而只是在實現和完全改變之間標出了一條看不見的界線。季諾不斷找新的形式來談論當今社會,以及好奇地嘗試不同的語言來測試它們的表達潛力。樂高積木的使用已成為他在流行語言和街頭藝術語言之間創造出一種新的具有諷刺意味但又大膽的文體標誌。

Koons Dog, 2023, Symbiosis,print onPlexiglas,gold leaf andlego, 70 x 100 cm
M&M, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm

Giorgio Tentolini

Giorgio Tentolini 於1978年出生於卡薩爾馬焦蕾,他在帕爾馬的Toschi ArtInstit接受平面藝術培訓並畢業於 University of Reio Emilia設計與傳播系。Giorgio的經典系列即為在單色背景上,以層層手工切割的鐵絲疊加不使用任何颜料描繪古典雕像、建築或人類面部等。對他來說媒材至關重要,唾手可得的鐵絲是藝術家自身經驗的展現,同時他也希望觀者用自己的親身經驗去解讀媒材。作品中鐵絲構成的六形網眼相互交織位移、重成層層net(網)象徴現代生活internet與filter越仔細看,反而越不清楚整貌。但同時,又如像素般記錄著記憶願景和夢想。他的作品更將古典雕塑主题重新演繹,古典時代偉大的雕塑家們,在他們的雕像中試圖描繪理想的美,然而從對現實的觀察出發,有時很難理解作品描繪的是真人還是神。

Torso di Apollo, 2021, mesh cut handmade, 120 x 160 cm
Capitolium, 2021, mesh cut handmade, 125 x 85 cm

Antonio Cugnetto

Antonio Cugnetto 1983年出生於拉默齊亞泰梅,於2007年畢業於佛羅倫薩美術學院代繪畫專業,也開始了他個人的藝術評論研究。作品曾多次參加拍賣,職業生涯中參加了義大利各地眾多活動和比賽,在各種藝術節、博覽會、獎項中嶄露頭角。策展人Carolina Lio曾如此評論Antoni的作品:他的創作俏皮卻諷刺,一個風格化的小男人,就像在兒童漫畫或卡通片中一樣,乍看似乎是幼稚和無憂無慮的場景中的一部分,然而於第二眼看作品就能發現它隱藏的暴力怪誕細節。 Antoni的作品揭示了日常生活中的虛偽,無論是嚴肅的還是不那麼嚴肅的,通常僅限於我們壓抑的不可言說的意圖或思想領域。而他更是選擇用一種貧乏和幼稚的語言來代表它們使它們更加尖銳。

Instigate, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 25 x 43 x 25 cm


Instigate, 2019, Oil on cardboard, 50×35 cm


Cane出生於西班牙巴塞羅那。他於2014年開始他的藝術創作。從第一部以強烈龐克美學為特徴的作品開始,Cane將他的講故事能力與精心製作的藝術作品結合在一起。他對人類學深感興趣,其創作取材大多來自於社會議題,如:移民、種族等問題,此外,他受到義大利漫畫大師Andrea Pazienza 和Benito Jacovitti、Flemish,畫家Bosch和Bruegel the Elder的影響,創作皆呈現超現實主義的流行風格,作品元素大多由綠色外星人以及來自於不同文化的人所建構而成,魔幻寫實開放的故事流動性,讓每個人都能產生不同的解讀。

Nobody knows who started the fight, 2019, Acrylics on canvas, 60 x 90 cm
A Birthday Party, 2022, Acrylics on canvas, 114×195 cm


, Hamburger,
Hamburger, 2022, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 50 x 50 cm
, Barbie,
Barbie, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm
, Koons Dog,
Koons Dog, 2023, Symbiosis,print onPlexiglas,gold leaf andlego, 70 x 100 cm
, M&M,
M&M, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm
, Lays,
Lays, 2021, Digital print on plexiglass and Lego, 70 x 50 cm
, Fake,
Fake, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 21 x 56 x 21 cm
, Instigate,
Instigate, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 25 x 43 x 25 cm
, Opportunity,
Opportunity, 2023, Recycled, plastic and rubber, 26 x 30 x 26 cm
, A Birthday Party,
A Birthday Party, 2022, Acrylics on canvas, 114x195 cm
, More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 3,
More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 3, 2021, Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 73 cm
, More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 4,
More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 4, 2021, Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 73 cm
, More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 1,
More than 800 years have passed but the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines continues # 1, 2021, Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 73 cm
, Nobody knows who started the fight,
Nobody knows who started the fight, 2019, Acrylics on canvas, 60 x 90 cm
, Journeys,
Journeys, 2019, Oil on cardboard, 45x65 cm
, Instigate,
Instigate, 2019, Oil on cardboard, 50x35 cm
, Antinoo Cap itolino,
Antinoo Cap itolino, 2022, tulle cut handmade, 50 x 50 cm
, Venere landolina – vista 091084,
Venere landolina – vista 091084, 2022, tulle cut handmade, 50 x 50 cm
, Afrodite Anadyomene – vista 021100,
Afrodite Anadyomene – vista 021100 , 2022, mesh cut handmade, 160 x 80 cm
, Torso di Apollo,
Torso di Apollo, 2021, mesh cut handmade, 120 x 160 cm
, Capitolium,
Capitolium, 2021, mesh cut handmade, 125 x 85 cm
, Venus - vista 041089,
Venus - vista 041089, 2022, mesh cut handmade, 95 x 95 cm